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Colorful abstract textures/Цветные абстактные текстуры

20 HQBokeh Textures. Colorful abstract textures irreplaceable tool when you nee some creative background, or patter for shapes and fonts.  I was Inspired by Abduzeedo.com photoshop tutorial about creating such effect and decided to create my own set textures clip art

Size: 11 mb
Format: HQ JPG (3200×2400 px)

Источник: http://depositfiles.com/ru/files/itg0muxh1
Категория: текстуры/ textures | Добавил: emma2 (24.02.2011) E
Просмотров: 437 | Теги: textures/Цветные, абстактные, текстуры, Colorful, Abstract
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